Administration » Behavior and Discipline Policies

Behavior and Discipline Policies

Behavior and Discipline
One of the most important lessons in education is discipline. While it does not appear as a subject, it underlies the entire educational structure. It is the training that develops self-control, orderliness, efficiency, and character of students. Discipline is the key to good conduct and proper consideration of other people.
Student behavior is a reflection of pride towards themselves, peers, and school. School and classroom discipline is necessary to ensure student safety and the best possible learning environment. It is the responsibility of each student to maintain a safe campus. Each student must show maturity and self-control. Students are at all times responsible for their own behavior. Please practice self-discipline at all times. Follow all school and classroom rules and procedures. It is important for students to follow the directions of the staff and treats students and staff with courtesy and respect.
Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution
Students must develop appropriate ways to handle problems with each other. Using argumentative language and verbal or physical fights will not be tolerated. Avoid getting into conflicts with others. Do not gossip, spread rumors, relay threats, approach another person or group, or follow a crowd to see the action. Avoid disruptive situations and leave the area. Students will receive consequences for being in verbal or physical conflicts or for getting involved in the conflicts of others.
It is important to seek the advice and assistance of the counselor or administrator for problem-solving help. Below are some examples of when you should talk to someone:
  • Feel unsafe or threatened.
  • Need help resolving a problem to avoid a fight.
  • Know of an unsafe or illegal activity.
  • Feel you are a victim of any type of harassment.
  • Need help dealing with any academic, social, or personal problems.
Causes for Suspension (EC 48900)**
You might be suspended or expelled and possibly cited or arrested by the police for committing any of the following offenses while on school grounds, during school activities, or going to or coming from school or one of its activities.

  • Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened physical injury.*
  • Willful force or violence, except in self-defense.*
  • Possession of a weapon or dangerous object.*
  • Possession of, use of, sales or furnishing of a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant.*
  • Offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind.*
  • Attempted/committed robbery/extortion.*
  • Attempted/caused damage to school or private property.*
  • Attempted/stole school or private property.*
  • Possession/Use of tobacco product.*
  • Obscenity/Profanity/Vulgarity
  • Possession of, offered, arranged, negotiated to sell drug paraphernalia.*
  • Disruption/Defiance.
  • Knowingly received stolen property (school or personal).*
  • Replica firearm possession.*
  • Attempted/Committed a Sexual Assault/Battery.*
  • Harassed, threatened or intimated a pupil who is a complaining witness or witness in a school disciplinary proceeding.
  • Sales of prescription drug Soma.
  • Engaged in hazing.
  • Engaged in an act of bullying, including but not limited to, by means of an electronic act.
  • Aided/abetted, or attempted infliction of physical injury
“*” Indicates law enforcement may be notified
  • cameras
  • video games
  • any other electronic devices
  • felt tip pens or permanent markers
  • glue of any kind
  • skates or rollerblades
  • chewing gum
  • sunflower seeds
  • aerosol cans
  • glass containers of any kind 
  • liquid white-out
  • drinks (sealed or otherwise) with the exception of water